Punja & Tashi

Save christmas

A new fairy tale novel has been published by ARVEN Verlag; the third volume of the PUNJA & TASHI trilogy.

Author: Johanna Arven


After the Oscars in 2091, back in the gingerbread house, Punja and Tashi are asked how it all started with their adventures. Punja begins to tell: She, when she was still a young perfumer, and her brother Tashi, an instrument maker and musician, had lived in the small Auland town of Laxna for 65 years. 65 years? Because actually they came from the far away country Tibet and as house elves they were just in their teens. How did they get to Auland? And why were they chosen to save Christmas?

The third volume: from 9 years, volume 2 and volume 3: from 12 years and for the whole family




"Punja & Tashi Save Christmas" (German language)

Podcasts: https://anchor.fm/johanna-arven

Recipe and instructions for building

Tashi's Gingerbread House

Tashi and Punja baked and built the gingerbread house over four evenings at the beginning of Advent.

The gingerbread dough was prepared on the first evening and left covered in the bowl until the next evening.

On the second evening the dough was divided into four parts and rolled out, and the two rectangles for the roof and the two triangles for the house gables were cut and baked. The roof of the house reaches down to the ground. Tashi first drew the parts on parchment paper and cut them out. and cut out additional pieces from the leftover dough. That evening everything was baked and laid out on a tray...

Read the sequel - recipe and building instructions - in this PDF (open link).

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